Remember that you can access all content on this blog website by simply scrolling down from here. BUT there is access above in the drop-down menus. Especially check permanent content under History and Prayers
St Vladimir Ukrainian Catholic Church of Scranton, PA
Fr. Myron Myronyuk, Pastor
Remember that you can access all content on this blog website by simply scrolling down from here. BUT there is access above in the drop-down menus. Especially check permanent content under History and Prayers
We are happy to present our very unique prayer book “Daily Prayers of the Eastern Church,” now available for sale. While many of these prayers are available on our website, it is good to have a physical copy in your home! This small, handheld book is complimented by pages full of art as well as a beautiful cover (shown above).
Call us at (570) 342-7023 or email to arrange for your copy today!
Some might think it’s too early to begin taking reservations for the upcoming December 9 bus trip to New York City, however several area organizations have begun advertising and accepting reservations for their December trips. So, here’s the scoop on our trip:
On Saturday, December 9, 2017, Scranton’s St. Vladimir Ukrainian Greek Catholic Parish is sponsoring a Christmastime bus trip to New York City. Stops will include the Ukrainian Village on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, Bryant Park Outdoor Christmas Shoppes and the mid-town Rockefeller Center/Fifth Avenue/Times Square area. Participants are also welcome to do their own thing for all or part of the day if they so wish.
The 55 passenger bus would depart from Edwardsville’s St. Vladimir Church, 70 Zerby Avenue at 8:00am provided there are sufficient riders from the Edwardsville, Wilkes-Barre and Berwick areas. Departure from Scranton’s St. Vladimir Church, 428 North Seventh Avenue would be at 8:45am. Departure for home would be at 8:30pm. Cost is $42.00 per person. If by chance a pickup in Edwardsville is not needed, departure from Scranton and departure from NYC for home would be adjusted.
Full nonrefundable advance payment reserves a seat.
Parish Activities Schedule Through December 2017
Sunday, September 17 – Registration for Children’s Religious Education Classes
Sunday, September 24 – First Day of Religious Education Class
Sunday, October 1 – After-Liturgy Socials Resume
Saturday, October 7 – Pyrohy Sale
Saturday, October 14 – Annual Flea Market and Food Sale
Saturday, November 4 – Pyrohy Sale
Sunday, November 5 – First Practice for St. Nicholas Pageant
Sunday, November 12 – Harvest Dinner
Saturday, December 2 – Pyrohy Sale
Sunday, December 3 – St. Nicholas Pageant
Saturday, December 9 – Bus Trip to New York City
Monday, December 18 – Decorate Church for Christmas