Divine Liturgy Guide
Sunday, October 22, 2023
21st Sunday after Pentecost
SAT OCT 21: 4:00 p.m. Divine Liturgy +Mary Clare Seechock by Seeshock Family
SUN OCT 22: 9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy 21st Sunday after Pentecost Blessing for His People
MON OCT 23: James Apostle READ Matthew 13:54-58
TUES OCT 24: 8:20 a.m. Divine Liturgy Blessing & healing for Sosnowyj Family by Family
WED OCT 25: 8:20 a.m. Divine Liturgy +Michael Stec by Stec Family
THURS OCT 26: 8:20 a.m. Divine Liturgy Healing & Blessing for Msgr. Joseph Garvin by Friends
FRI OCT 27: 8:20 a.m. Divine Liturgy Healing & Blessing for Tony & Dennis Lilik by Friends
SAT OCT 28: 4:00 p.m. Divine Liturgy +Joseph & Ester Linko by Linda Pirritano
SUN OCT 29: 9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy 22nd Sunday after Pentecost Blessing for His People
Collection Basket
10/14 & 10/15 $1,593
Thank you to last week’s counters
Mike Trusz & Olenka Chandoha-Knott
Next Week’s Counters are:
Dorothy Kowalchick & Debbie Dommes
Birthdays & Anniversaries
October 21-27
Christopher Pedley – Oct. 21
Michael Trusz – Oct. 21
John Yevinishon – Oct. 21
Glen & Jeanine Capman – Oct. 23
VIGIL CANDLE SPONSORS: week beginning October 21, 2023
1 2 3 | Hanging Eternal Lamp $10 2 Altar Vigil Candles $10 Proskomedia Candles $10 | By: Linda Pirritano For: I.M.O. + Esther Linko By: Jean and Dave Pedley For: Birthday Blessings for Mike Trusz OCT 21 By: Fr. Myron & the Faithful of St. Vladimir’s Church For: I.M.O. + Soldiers, + Civilians, + Refugees of Ukraine |
4 5 6 7 | 2 Tetrapod Candles $10 Jesus Vigil at Iconostas $5 Mary Vigil at Iconostas $5 St. Nicholas $5 | By: Fr. Myron & the Faithful of St. Vladimir’s Church For: + Victims & survivors of Hamas terrorist attack in Israel By: Laskowski Family For: Health & God’s Blessings – Jeffrey Lyden & family By: Biloskirka Family For: I.M.O. + Nicholas and + Nadia Biloskirka By: Sharmayne Tucker and Sons For: I.M.O. + Walter Michael Tucker, Jr. |
8 9 10 | St. Vladimir Vigil at Iconostas $5 Jesus Entrance Vigil $5 Mary Entrance Vigil $5 | By: Laskowski Family For: I.M.O. + Joseph & + Marlene Laskowski, our parents By: Stella Patrick For: Health and God’s Blessings for Stephen Patrick By: Parish Family of St. Vladimir’s Church For: Safety of the persecuted & those held captive |
11 12 13 14 15 | Mother of God Statue $10 Altar 7 branch Saturday $5 Altar 7 branch Sunday $5 Blessed Mother (side altar) $5 Jesus (side altar) $5 | By: Nieces and Nephews For: Health and God’s Blessings for Christine Izak By: Laskowski Family For: Health and God’s Blessings for Miranda Vasquez By: Laskowski Family For: Health & God’s Blessings – Casey McNulty Evans By: Regina Kozel For: I.M.O. + Ihor Shablovsky By: Linda Pirritano For: I.M.O. + Joseph and + Esther Linko |
CONFESSIONFor anyone that would like to receive the holy sacrament of confession you can let Father Myron know and set up a time either before or after Liturgy from Tuesday through Saturday. |
Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church
Mailing address: 430 N. 7th Ave., Scranton, Pa. 18503-2104
Telephones: Parish Office (570) 342-7023 Fax 342-7130
Website stvladimirscranton.org
REVEREND MYRON MYRONYUK, PASTOR Email: myronyukm@yahoo.com
Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory Forever! Slava Isusu Christu! Slava Na Viky!
Divine Liturgies: Saturday 4 p.m., Sunday 9:00 a.m.,
Holy Days & Weekdays see bulletin
OUR MISSION PARISH: Saints Peter and Paul Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church
635 North River St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18705
Sick calls / Communion calls / Home visits/ Emergencies: call parish office.
- Pyrohy Sale Dates for 2023 ($8 per dozen, frozen uncooked)
- November 4 (peel potatoes Nov 1, make pyrohy Nov. 2)
- December 16 (peel potatoes Dec 13, make pyrohy Dec.14)
- Harvest Dinner -November 12 – $20 per person, sit down dinner, Basket Raffle – more information to follow.
- Visit from St. Nicholas – December 10th – parish event, will also have a basket raffle. – more information to follow
FIRST PYROHY SALE!!!! – Saturday, November 1st – Still only $8 per dozen. Frozen, uncooked only. This is a change from what we have done in previous years. Still the same delicious recipe! First come, first serve. Very limited availability so call today. Do not call the parish office to order, call Leslie at 570-342-3749. No orders will be accepted after October 27th and there will be NO waiting list. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
The fast-approaching Harvest Dinner Sunday, November 12th 2023 is in need of theme baskets for our raffle. Please consider creating one or donating cash towards having one put together. We are asking for baskets donations to be in by November 5, 2023. Kristen Waznak is coordinating this popular project and is available to offer ideas, suggestions, and hands-on assistance. She can be reached at 570-241-1223. Thank you for your participation and generosity in making this popular fundraiser another success.
- Rummage Sale continues this Sunday in Plymouth
The Women’s Society of SS Peter & Paul Ukrainian Catholic Church, 20 Nottingham St. Plymouth, PA will sponsor their annual Rummage Sale in the Church Hall – Sunday, October 22 – 12:00 noon to 2:00 PM. There are a lot of fine items for your shopping. A variety of homemade soup and halushki will be available for take outs only. Both the soups and the halushki are $8.00 a quart and $4.00 a pint. A Basket Raffle will also be presented and the proceeds from the Raffle will be donated to Humanitarian Aid in Ukraine. Come shop and enjoy. A Piggie take out will be available at this sale.
- Six-month Lottery Calendar in Simpson
Ss. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Catholic Church in Simpson will be sponsoring a six-month lottery calendar. Each $20 calendar includes 2 numbers for the pick-3 evening drawing of the Pennsylvania Lottery. Prizes include $25 on weekdays, $40 on Sundays and five $100 prizes. Calendars purchased by check will be mailed to return address. Make checks payable to Ss. Peter and Paul UGCC and mail to: P.O. Box 124, Carbondale, PA. 18407. For more information contact Marge (570) 282-5680 or Dorothy (570) 282-2084.
Saints Peter and Paul Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, will host their annual Turkey Fest Dinner as a take-out only event on Saturday, November 4th in their school hall on the corner of West Chestnut and North River Streets in Wilkes-Barre. Pick-ups will be from 12:00(noon) to 4:00pm. The event will feature our traditional turkey dinner and basket raffle. Dinners will be $15.00 for adults and $9.00 for children. Walk-in customers will be welcomed, but reservations are strongly encouraged. Tell your friends and family. Non-perishable food items will be collected for donation to a local food pantry.”
Ukrainian Army reveals Ukraine’s Strong Spirit
We remember the noble goal which is worth living for and sacrificing our lives for. This goal is an independent Ukrainian state in the family of European nations of high civilization and culture. These words were spoken by the Father and Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, His Beatitude Sviatoslav, in his greeting speech on the occasion of the Feast of the Protection of the Mother of God and the Day of Defenders of Ukraine. Christian Ukraine celebrates the Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary for the first time on October 1. “Today, we celebrate the Day of Defenders of Ukraine. Historically, our Ukrainian army has been the army of those who protect and secure the life and development of the Ukrainian people. They are the ones who fight for Ukraine’s dignity and freedom. Therefore, on this day, our gratitude and greetings go to our men and women at the front who are protecting the future of Ukraine at the cost of their own lives,” said the Head of the Church. Three words come to mind today. The first is memory. “We remember,” the spiritual leader reminds us, “all our predecessors, entire epochs, generations of the national liberation struggle of Ukraine for its freedom and independence. We remember all those who fell in an unequal battle with the Russian aggressor. Today, we pray for them from the earth to the heavens, from the human heart to the throne of God.” The second word is fraternity. “We win only when we can rely on the shoulder of a comrade-in-arms, on the strength and courage of the Ukrainian army. It is the brotherhood of those at the front and those who live and work for the front. This national solidarity and unity in the struggle is the key to our victory. This brotherhood is like a cry forged in the furnace of our struggle for freedom,” His Beatitude Sviatoslav urges us to reflect. The third word is vocation. “The Lord God is calling our soldiers forward to defend the space of life and to remain human even in inhuman circumstances. The Ukrainian army today is called to conquer death with life, to bring light where there is darkness,” said the Head of the Church. According to him, we are now called to bring the space of freedom to where the Russian invader seeks to bring oppression and slavery. “Once again, we express our gratitude to the Ukrainian soldiers for showing the whole world what Ukraine is capable of — demonstrating that we are invincible and strong in spirit. The strength of spirit and will of the Ukrainian soldier now amazes the world,” the Primate emphasized.
Please include in your prayers those members of our parish who are in hospitals, care homes, rehabilitation facilities & those who are not able to join us actively in our church community.
Mountain View
Irene Slagan
Anastasia Korman
Andrea Geraghty
Stella Patrick
Stanley Krupinski
Helen Ewasko
Katrina Izak Wilson
Dr. Walter Dobushak
Sophia Soniak
Jean Chomko
Julie Yevich
Charles Drumsta
Regina Kozel
Andrea Wells
Dorothy Fleck
Doris Romancho
Mary Warholak
Dorothy Kowalchick
Stephen Nidoh
Mary Tucker
Michael Seechock
Steve Patrick