The ability of our local church to process physical donation of any item has been overwhelmed. PLEASE no more physical donations of any kind!


Please send donations to:

Saint Vladimir Ukrainian Catholic Church
430 N. 7th Ave.
Scranton, PA 18503-2104

Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory Forever!

Pray for the protection of the Holy Mother of God!


PLease note that the feast of St. Nicholas will be celebrated 12-6 at 9:30 AM. Fr. Myronyuk has moved the solemn feast of the Holy Maternity of the Holy Anna to THURSDAY December 9th at 8:20 AM


Following the instructions of our bishops, there will be no public liturgies.

All priests will offer the Divine Liturgy for the Church.  Please pray privately for the health of our community.

You may send any church support donations to:

St. Vladimir Ukrainian Catholic Church

430 North 7th Ave.

Scranton, PA 18503-2104