Bulletin for Week of March 25, 2018
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Bulletin for week of March 18, 2018
Bulletin for week of March 11, 2018
Bulletin for Week of March 4, 2018
Ukrainian Folkdance
Scranton’s St. Vladimir Ukrainian Greek Catholic parish is sponsoring a performance by the Ukrainian Folkdance group “Barvinok” [Periwinkle in Ukrainian] on Sunday, May 6, 2018 at 4:00pm at its parish center 428 North Seventh Avenue. The highly acclaimed dance group which hails from the Metropolitan New Jersey/New York City area has appeared in numerous venues on the East Coast and in Ukraine where they took first place in an international folk dance competition. Under the direction of Mr. Gregory Momot, the troupe performs traditional dances from various regions of Ukraine while attired in colorful embroidered costumes. Mr. Momot was trained at the Kyiv Cultural University and danced with the world reknowned Virsky Ukrainian National Dance Company. His energetic and intricate choreography along with beautiful regional costumes bring alive the electrifying spirit of Ukrainian dance. Tickets are $10.00 in advance – $12.00 at the door and can be purchased by contacting Kristen Waznak at 570 241-1223.
Bus Trip Announcement
Scranton’s St. Vladimir Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church is sponsoring a springtime bus trip to New York City on Saturday, May 19, 2018. There will be two stops in Manhattan: the 911 Memorial Museum at Ground Zero and the 42nd annual St. George Ukrainian Street Festival on the Lower East Side. Adults $70.00; Seniors 65+ $64.00; Youth 7 to 17 yrs. $62.00. Participants can follow the above two-stop itinerary or are free to do their own thing for part or all of the day. For those not visiting the Museum, the cost is $44.00. Departure from St. Vladimir Church, 428 North Seventh Avenue will be at 8:00am and departure from New York City for home will be at 8:30pm. For additional details and to make reservations contact Dave Pietryka at 570 954-8517 or Paul Ewasko at 570 563-2275. Due to the large number of visitors, Museum staff strongly recommends early confirmation of number of tickets to be ordered, therefore we ask that reservations and nonrefundable payment be made preferably before April 1. Check should be made out to St. Vladimir Church.
Ukrainian Folk Dance Lessons Starting March 2018
St. Vladimir’s is happy to announce the start of Ukrainian Folk Dance lessons for children ages 5 and up at the Church hall starting March 3, 2018.
Lessons will be lead by Dr. Walter Dobushak, former musical director at Soyuzivka and Holy Trinity Ukrainian Church in Kerhonkson, New York.
B - 2 25 2018 - InsertLenten Mission
Week of March 5, 2018 – All Services Begin at 6:30pm
Monday – St. Joseph Melkite Greek Catholic Church, St. Frances Cabrini Avenue, West Scranton
Tuesday – St. Mary Byzantine Catholic Church, Oak Street, Taylor
Wednesday – St. John Byzantine Catholic Church, Broadway, Bellevue Section of Scranton
Thursday – St. Vladimir Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, North Seventh Avenue, Scranton
Friday – St. Mary of the Assumption Byzantine Catholic Church, Linden Street, Scranton
Presenter: Rt. Rev. Philip Raczka of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church in the USA
Theme: The Sacraments of the Church – Sharing the Life of Christ
Priests Available Beginning at 6:00pm for Confession
Light Lenten Refreshments with Question and Answer Period Follow Each Service
Orphans in Ukraine
Scranton’s St. Vladimir Ukrainian Greek Catholic parishioners have “adopted” children living in an orphanage in Kolomyia, Western Ukraine. On a regular basis articles of clothing, foot wear and goodies are sent to these beautiful boys and girls who are without parents due to war, illness or abandonment. Pictured are some of the girls who posed with a portion of the gifts they recently received from their friends in America.
Podyaka / Thank You
Thank you Most Loyal Priest Myron and church members:
We thank you for the Christian donation for the orphanage of St. Nicholas in the city of Kolomyia. And for your repeated help for the orphan children, in the honor of God, and for the good of the Ukrainian nation.
We send you greetings and pray the Most Merciful Lord Jesus Christ blesses you with strength and good health. May Saint Nicholas beseech God’s embrace and the Blessed Mother grant you and your family strength in spirit and body for many happy and blessed years.
Sister Veronica
Director of the Orphanage of St. Nicholas in Kolomyia, Ukraine